Focused on You, llc
...massage with a purpose

About Amber

Always knowing I wanted to help others feel their best I started off wanting to go into physical therapy. I worked years alongside of some very skilled Physical and Occupational Therapists before realizing I was really lead to be a Massage Therapist. My hands can't be idle. To my advantage though the time that it took for me to come to this realization was not wasted. By working in these different areas I was able gain a knowledge that has been extremely valuable in my work as a Massage Therapist, and in life in general.

The way I work...

I have been a Massage Therapist for 18 years and I am trained in a variety of modalities and techniques. As a therapist that focuses on what the client is in need of, at each session, I combine the years and training to customize each and every session to those needs. Sometimes what our bodies need isn't defined by a specific modality and often takes a combination of techniques at different times during the session to get the results the client is looking for. I charge for time, and not for specific modalities for that specific reason. This gives me the freedom to work the way the client wants and their body leads.

Since I have training in many different types of therapeutic massage techniques and modalities I use a melting pot philosophy in my work. Depending on what a client comes into the clinic complaining about I may combine some craniosacral therapy, myofascial release and deep tissue techniques together to help them reduce the frequency and intensity of their headaches/migraines. We may focus more on calming a clients central nervous system, yet at the same time we working the restriction in their shoulder. Just as each client is different and deserves to have the focus on them that best uses the time we have for that session And just as each client , it is also true that the same client is different from one session to the next. Therefore we need to work together and best target the goals that is going give the results they are looking for.